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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Lake Clean Up!!

 Today I went to a lake in San Diego and we helped clean it, I went with family and friends!
 We found a car that was crashed it said,"PROM?"
I'm pretty sure we walked over 5 miles!The good thing is that we picked up a tuns of trash.We even found some special kinds of rocks that if you turn on a flame they will turn into giant sparks of fire,good thing we were there to throw them away.
  I took these pictures with my camera!

                            The End!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The New Movie and awesome band Lemonad Mouth

 The new band called Lemonade Mouth is awesome they all sing and they all know how to play each others instruments.
  They all met in detention ,they got bored and all played instruments.Olivia lead singer,Wen piano,Stella guitar,Charlie drums,and Mo bass guitar.
   They got there name in a fight with another band,Stella spit lemonade all over the lead singer in a boy band ,they called the principal and said,lemonade mouth here spit all over me.That is how they got there name.
 Olivia's mom died,and her dad made some bad choices after that.He went in prison, then Olivia didn't want to talk about him any more.
 At the end of the movie they all become a famous band.
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Wednesday, April 20, 2011


  Recycle ,save the world it's the only one with chocolate!
  Everyone ,recycle we want to have a clean world.Also, recycle the rapers of chocolate ,because it takes a lots of power to make rapers,soda cans,and water bottles,it takes enough  power to make these that with that power you could watch TV for three hours straight.
  Everyone needs to recycle because we all want to see green grass in stead of  trash when you go to the park.

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                                  THE END!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Making the Mission!(the little paper one I made)

 Today I went to "Michel's" to buy a paper La Purisima Concepcion mission to build and just have fun with it.
  This is hard because you have to cut out little pieces of paper ,color in the spots with paint ,and still buy ten bells,five farm people,ground cover,a priest ,a gold cross, a grass mat ,an Indian female or male,a tile roof ,seven farm animals,tan ground cover,landscape rocks, four pine trees, two normal trees ,two orange trees,and one fountain.This takes up to one throw two hours to make. I rather not make a mission  you spend like twenty dollars on making a little paper mission.It takes pacents,hard work,good luck,and over twenty dollars.

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                                                   The End!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Mission La Purisima Concepcion

 Mission La Purisima was founded by Fermín Francisco de Lasuėn on December 8, 1787.The Eleventh of the California Missions.This mission is named after Mary, the Mother of Jesus, this mission is also called "La Purisima".The mission was established in the land of the Chumash people.
The water was three miles away ,so the missionaries built tubes underground and it made that easier.This mission is used today for funerals,weddings, and catholic church time.

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                                          Almost done!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Happy Easter!!!!!!!!

   Happy Easter every-one who is reading this! I hope you find a lots of chocolate eggs this year and all the other ones!

Monday, April 11, 2011


  All classes get homework,it's true.I'm going to write a few paragraphs about homework and how I feel about it.
 First ,every one gets homework because in every ones life they go to school.Every one gets homework because everyone needs to learn.
  Second, my opinion about homework is,it is fun to do ,I love doing my homework,for example I'm doing my homework right now!
 Third,kids hate homework because they are lazy and only want to watch the TV,but on some channels on TVs are educational .Kids also watch Sponge bob Square pants,it is educational because it teaches you spelling and other stuff.  
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                                            The End!!