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Monday, June 27, 2011

Soccer Practice

 On Saturday I went to soccer practice when I got there I was relieved to see one of my best friends Daisy, she loves to play soccer but I don't and she left early from school because she had to go to Mexico , anyway I wasn't expecting to she her there ,that motivated me to try my hardest to show Daisy that I could play soccer. It was easy until I got the ball and  no one was there on my team so I just kicked it behind me ,and it hit Daisy in the feet hen she finally saw it she ran with the ball and scored.
 I hit the ball a bunch of times but never scored my mom was proud of me still because my big sister didn't hit the ball at all.I will never do that again because I felt a lots of tingles in my stomach!  link to pic!

                                                                             The End!!!