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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Kids Like Blogging!

  Who ever knew that kids could blog!Well it is indeed true.Today I'm going to write about kids blogging.I'm going to write a  paragraphs about negative things and positive things of kids blogging.
   One negative thing about kids blogging is they might not understand that some weirdos go through the web looking of kids.They might give personal information to people they just met,they could talk to strangers about things there parents don't even know about.
    One positive thing about kids blogging is they could write there stories on there blogs so the whole world could see ,the people should get to see kids stories.The kids should get the right to let the whole world see there writings ,they shouldn't keep there wonderful work kept in a folder where almost no one could see.
  In conclusion ,I'm not saying kids can't or can blog,it will always lead up to there parents and teachers opinion about kids blogging.
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