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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day!

  Yesterday was Memorial Day ,it was fun because there was no school it was awesome for me because all I did is clean up my house and watch TV all day.
 Memorial Day 2011 is a United States federal holiday observed on the last Monday of May (May 30 in 2011). Formerly known as Decoration Day, it commemorates U.S. soldiers who died while in the military service. First people to honor Union soldiers of the American Civil War. It was extended after World War 1 to honor Americans who have died in all wars.Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day.
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Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Ancient Mayans

The Ancient Maya Yucatan around 2600 B.C., the Maya developed astronomy,they also made up there own calendars.
 Today the Mayas are known for there decorated ceremonial architecture, including temple-pyramids, palaces and observatories, all built without metal tools!
 Around 300 B.C., the Maya adopted a new system of government with rule by nobles and kings.
The Maya city of Cerros is built, with a complex of temples and ball courts.The decline of the Olmecs. It is abandoned (for reasons unknown) a hundred years later and its people return to fishing and farming.Construction ceases in Tikal, marking the beginning of the city's decline
 An unknown event destroys the civilization at Teotihuacan, along with the empire it supported.                              more about pic

                                                          THE END!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Abdul's First Day!

 Today Abdul was born ,he is my new cousin. It's good and bad news because the good news is that he was born at the right timing,the bad news is that he's a boy and I have about ten cousins that are boys.
 My mom thought that Abdul was so cute ,he had his mouth that looked like his fathers ,his eyes of his father,mostly all of his face looked like his father.Abdul didn't open his eye's until my mom entered the room ,he was looking every where so much it was adorable.
 When my sister and I left my mom talked to my Aunt for hours just about the new baby Abdul!I stayed in the waiting room with my sis reading magazines,we also went to see the other baby's in the nursery.                                          more about pic.

                                                     The End!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Family Life

  Every one has to be tough family life because its part of learning,and every one needs to learn about how your body works.If you don't know how your body works you are going to freak out when something different happens to your body.Every one acts differently when they learn about these things they never learned before,most people don't like learning about these things or any thing else in school.Every one needs to go through puberty in order to become a woman or man ,but puberty is different for both girls and boys,but girls go through more witch makes them stronger.Everyone in my class didn't talk about it ,but we watched it in video.My friend Alisha fell asleep during the video.                                    more about pic!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Good-Bye Daisy!

 Today was Daisy's last day  of school because she is going to Mexico during the summer,but she is coming back next year.
 We all hugged each Daisy and said to her that we where going to miss her.In the class room we all made her cards,and asked her to sigh our shirts.Next year where all going to see each other except Ally,and Lizzie.I'm really going to miss them.
 I hope Daisy has a great time in the summer,and has a awesome time in Mexico.I want to let Daisy to know that I wish her good luck on her way there.
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                                                THE END!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My Best Friends!

  You know when some one is your friend because you feel the pain when they cry ,when they smile your face can't stand smiling,also when they feel happy your happy no matter how mad you are!My friends love to play soccer and basketball.I only like playing basketball ,Jelly likes to play softball,she even has her own team for softball and soccer.
 My friends love to exercise,we also love to count on each other with our secrets.I told all my friend who I like ,my real name,ex.I really trust my friends with all my secrets ,and I hope they would never spill the beans or tell my secret love that I like them.                           more about pic
                                           The End!!!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Track in Field

 Today was Track in Field day ,we got to chose in what things we wanted to be in.I went to run and long leap ,I found out that I could jump 7 feet!I also signed up for the 40 yard run it was fun going ahead of kids ,and haveing my friends cheer for me.
 When Ally and me were cheering for Jelly ,we yelled to the top of our lungs to make her courageous to win.At the end our lungs hurted a lot, but we drank water to make them feel better.
 At the end I didn't care who won ,or who lost ,all that mattered was that the whole class had fun.
            The End!

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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Pajama Day!

Today was Pajama day it felt awesome because when it was lunch it was like eating at your own house with pajamas!When you come you could see all kinds of pajamas that matched every ones personality.My friends pajamas rocked!Jelly had bobby jack pajamas which is the name of her blog:Bobby Jack Lvr.She is in soccer I thought she was going to bring a soccer or soft ball pajama.Ally brought cool pajamas I forgot what kind ,but I remember that I liked them.Her pajamas looked a little bit like her blog:Peace,Love,Dolphins,it is a cool blog you should check it out some time.Jello was wearing duck pajamas.Her blog maches her name:  .Lizzie  was wearing stripe pajamas I think. Her blogs name is:Give Live Love.(if i forgot you don't blame me.)
 In the morning I was thinking of wearing my favorite pajamas ,but unfortunately they where to small.
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                                             The End!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Balboa Park!

 Today I went to "Balboa Park" with my school.It was awesome ,because we went to "The Space Museum!
The Space Museum was so cool I didn't believe my eyes.You could do a tuns of things take pictures with your friends,make a tiny huracan, watch movies,ex.It was fun they even have a gift shop!
 In the gift shop theirs a butch of things I brought home two sea shell boxes,and a little brown thick yarn bag.There was a big ball with lights you could touch and it moves it.
We also watched a movie called Storm Chasers, at the beginning I almost trowed up!The camera was moving and I wasn't it made me very dizzy!
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                                 THE END!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Crazy Hat Day!!

 Today was crazy hat day in my school ,if you gust came you to school you could see all the hats by just looking at the grass field ,it was awesome we got to see all kinds of crazy hats!
 My friend Ally had three hats she let me and Jello borrow one,she also hid her DSi in one of the hats ,I kept mine in my back pack.
 One kid named Axel G. who was whereing a hat really crazy ,it had every thing glued on jolly ranchers ,little toys,choi souce,candy ,dental floss,ex.It was  amazing!!                                                                              more about pic!

                                               The End!!!

Spelling Bee

 Yesterday was the spelling bee ,I lost but I knew I try-ed hard ,and I won all my friends except Ally she got second place,the rest of my friends lost.She is going to the district!
  The good thing was that we had fun competing each other.I got saved when I thought I spelled a word wrong but I actually did ,I'm like Yes!!!
 Next year I'm going to try to win third place because I don't want to go to the  district.I think that will be more work and more waiting ,so I'm going for third place next year wish me good luck!:)  No seriously wish me good luck through a comment!                                                                                                                                   more about pic!

                                 The End!!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My Favorite Sport

 Basketball is my favorite sport,and it's the best sport I'm good at.I play it every day ,it is the best sport ever!!I love it I recommend it to any one who whats to play a sport with there friends.I guaranty it will be fun gust try to win and have fun.  more about pic
 I hope you like team work because that's the secret.Team work is being fair with the other players.
 If you want to get the first shot put the best player in front to jump for the ball

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Gold Rush!

 Today a guy went to my school because he was going to teach us about the gold rush.I'm going to write a few paragraphs about the things we learned ,and the things we did.
 First ,the man took two girls and two boys and gave them parts to act out it was funny.
 Second ,our teacher passed out cards that said,"My 49",and The mangle camp,but it had a name of who you are and where do you come from,it all depend on what gender you are.
             That is all I could write right now I'm going to finish tomorrow.

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