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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Abdul's First Day!

 Today Abdul was born ,he is my new cousin. It's good and bad news because the good news is that he was born at the right timing,the bad news is that he's a boy and I have about ten cousins that are boys.
 My mom thought that Abdul was so cute ,he had his mouth that looked like his fathers ,his eyes of his father,mostly all of his face looked like his father.Abdul didn't open his eye's until my mom entered the room ,he was looking every where so much it was adorable.
 When my sister and I left my mom talked to my Aunt for hours just about the new baby Abdul!I stayed in the waiting room with my sis reading magazines,we also went to see the other baby's in the nursery.                                          more about pic.

                                                     The End!

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