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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Pajama Day!

Today was Pajama day it felt awesome because when it was lunch it was like eating at your own house with pajamas!When you come you could see all kinds of pajamas that matched every ones personality.My friends pajamas rocked!Jelly had bobby jack pajamas which is the name of her blog:Bobby Jack Lvr.She is in soccer I thought she was going to bring a soccer or soft ball pajama.Ally brought cool pajamas I forgot what kind ,but I remember that I liked them.Her pajamas looked a little bit like her blog:Peace,Love,Dolphins,it is a cool blog you should check it out some time.Jello was wearing duck pajamas.Her blog maches her name:  .Lizzie  was wearing stripe pajamas I think. Her blogs name is:Give Live Love.(if i forgot you don't blame me.)
 In the morning I was thinking of wearing my favorite pajamas ,but unfortunately they where to small.
 more about pic

                                             The End!

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