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Monday, March 21, 2011

Just Follow The Car Tracks

 One snowy day there was a boy named Fred who was bored to death ,but then one of his friends that was a girl came to stay with him for a couple of days.
The next day there was a little bit of snow on here yard and tinny bits of snow on the car tracks ,they where suppose to play with the snow ,but then Fred was thinking what is in the end of tracks ,Sandy said ,I don't know ,do you want to find out?Fred said ,Sure!They grabbed there bikes and put chains on them ,so they wouldn't slip,then left.They ridded there bikes for about 2 miles. Then Fred stopped  to a store to buy some water and snacks(they don't know that they ridded there bikes 2 miles).Soon they got tired and wanted to go back,but had no idea how to go back so they went to the police ,the police did not understand why the mother would let them go by them self's on the road just to look at tracks.They took them home ,Sandy's mom ,sended Fred's mom to court ,she went to prison ,and Fred learned his leson.

             The End!                                    link to website

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