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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Ugly Caveman!!

 One day a cave woman gave birth to an ugly cave man ,the ugly cave man had five brothers and he was the ugliest of them all ,he was the ugliest cave man in the hole village ,other cave mothers always said,all your cave kids are beautiful except one!He never cared because he knew that one day he will be the beautifulest cave man in the village ,and every one who called him ugly will be sorry enough      that they will make him king!
 How do you think this story is going to end just read the rest.             MORE ABOUT PIC(click here)
 Everyone said,he was so ugly and in every story it ends happily ever after,but this story ends like this.
 He thought he was going to be beautiful when he grew up ,but he grew up to be uglier.

                      THE END!!

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