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Thursday, March 24, 2011

What Is Awesome About Blogs!

  There is many things that are awesome about blogs ,but there is so many I could only tell you a few:
  1. You could follow your friends blogs.
  2. You could write amazing stories that other people could read.
  3. If you spell something wrong the "Spelling Checker" corrects it.
  4. You could change the background of your blog.
  5. You could also browse through your computer and find a picture you like to add it to your new back ground.
  6. You could leave comments on your friends blogs to tell them what you think.*comments
  7. Blogs also help you in school because you learn writing ,math ,and spelling `.
  8. You learn in math with the graph charts.
  9. You could put pictures in your writing ,but you have to put a link to the website of you don't you wouldn't  be fair to the other person. 
  10. You could add gadgets like ,pets,status,and pictures.
                          The End!

                                                                                                                         more about pics

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